3 1/2 years ago I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. My Jackson! He was the inspiration for a lot of things in my life. Mostly, just inspiring me to be a better person. I have to tell you, I am nothing like the person as I was pre Jackson, but I am much better! Its funny how each child changes you a little bit. Not funny haha but funny like what the heck is happening to me?! LOL! Then unexpectedly, Ms. Violet came along. I always feel the need to say Ms. before her name because it sounds like a little old southern lady and I just love it! We like to call her our surprise! Its true! One of the best surprises I have ever received. She inspired a whole new business venture. It is for sure a balancing act being a full time mommy and making time for Absolutely Amie. It can make a girl absolutely crazy. Being a stay at home mom definitely has its challenges. Never have I had a job so frustrating, exhilarating, and rewarding. I wouldn't change a thing. These children inspire me in so many ways. I work harder, play longer, and love stronger than I have ever have in my entire life. Sometimes I just feel like my heart will burst.
Jackson-The inspiration for Absolutely Amie's Boys Reversible Tie
Violet- The inspiration for Absolutely Amie's Obnoxiously and Adorably Large Baby Headbands
Jackson and Violet-inspiring me daily!
i freaking love this. You are amazing!!!!!! Kitty